What Is The Procedure To Cancel Udyog Adhar Registration?

Registering Udyog Aadhaar is mandatory or necessary for all types of business which is running as MSMEs, without Udyog Aadhaar registration no business shall be qualified for availing the benefits or profits allocated for MSMEs by the government of India. The main goal or objective of Udyog Aadhaar is to simplify the regulatory procedures of MSMEs like filling copyright or trademark or patent applications, Applying for new GST registration, availing of collateral-free loans and offers or schemes that are introduced by the government. UDYOG Aadhaar Registration is a completely online process.
The registration process completes with a unique or idiosyncratic 12 digit identification number which is issued to the owner or holder and represents the legal identity proof of her/his business by the government. In spite of easy Udyog Aadhaar registration, a lot of companies wanted to know how to permanently cancel Udyog Aadhaar registration. This article clears up how to cancel or delete the Udyog Aadhaar registration.
For cancellation, write an application to the Center of Udyog Aadhaar Registration, specifying all the details of the business. whose registration you want to terminate. Also, specify the reason for termination briefly in the application. Nowadays Udyog Aadhaar Registration has gained huge importance for business. Whether it is a mid-scale or small-scale business, after having subbed the Micro Small registration process, Udyog Aadhaar Registration has become necessary or mandatory.
Latest Update
Enterprise Registration Simplified for MSMEs from 1st July
Starting from 1st July, as per the new notification by the Government on 26th June 2020. enterprises can register themselves based on Aadhaar number. The enterprises are no longer required or needed to upload documents for online registration. enterprises can provide these details with a self-declaration. This new process is known as “Udyam Registration” and is made possible after the successful integration of the registration process with those of GST and Income Tax. The details or documents provided in the self-declaration will be duly verified by the authorities based on PAN. and GSTIN.
Procedures on how to cancel Udyog Aadhaar registration?
The Udyog Aadhaar has started the process of registration of MSME. A lot of companies wanted to know if the Udyog Aadhar registration could be permanent. cancelled or deleted This article illuminates how to cancel the Udyog Aadhar registration.
Step 1: Finding a Udyog Aadhaar Registration Center-
For cancellation of Udyog Aadhaar Registration, find Udyog Aadhaar Center. Generally, every state has a Udyog Aadhaar Registration center. you can get the form for permanently cancelling your Udyog Aadhaar Registration. If you are unable to find the correct address of the center, on the bottom of the certificate, the address of the District Industrial Center is specified.
Step 2: Application for Cancellation-
Write an application to the Udyog Aadhaar Registration Center for cancellation. specifying all the details of the business. whose registration you need to permanently terminate. specify the reason for such termination in the application.
Step 3: Documents Required
There is no specific list of the documents that might be required for cancellation. but carry all necessary documents of the enterprise or company, your original Udyog Aadhaar Card, bank accounts, etc.
Step 4: Acknowledgement
If your application and other documents meet all the requirements, request an acknowledgement by the officer-in-charge. This acknowledgement is necessary or mandatory as it may be required sometime in the future.
Things to Remember:
- Before applying for a permanent cancellation of the Udyog Aadhaar Card, you need to close all business activities related to that enterprise. you need to deactivate all bank accounts linked to that enterprise.
- Some places will also require you to have a declaratory letter where you state to not avail any of the benefits of government schemes related to Udyog Adhaar,
- In the initial application for cancellation of the registration, mention the reason for the cancellation clearly and briefly. If the reason or other details is not correctly mentioned, there are chances of the application being rejected.
- There are no costs or expenses involved at the time of registration, update, or cancellation of the Udyog Aadhaar Card.
In simple words, the myth that Udyog Aadhar registration cannot be permanently cancelled is untrue. It can be done, but it requires a person to visit one of the Udyog Aadhaar Registration centres.