What is Pitch Deck?

Project Reports

A pitch deck, known as a startup pitch deck or slide deck, is a visual document that informs investors about your business plan, products or services, financing needs, and critical metrics like value, target market, and financial goals.

Size of a Pitch Deck

The average length of a pitch deck is 12 to 14 slides (but never more than 20), with each slide conveying one distinct idea. Based on how you choose to convey your narrative, the sequence can alter.

The following points must contain in your slides:

·      The company’s mission

·      The difficulty

·      Market potential and target market

·      The solution or product

·      Business plan

·      The opposition

·      Marketing & sales plan

·      The team

·      Financials

Kinds of Pitch Deck

You can practice by creating two separate pitch decks.

A document with a lot of information and details that are emailed to interested parties is known as an Email Deck.

You can use it to show investors in person if you add more graphics to it. Less text and more pictures draw in more attention, and the Presentation Deck helps to strengthen the points.

How to create a Pitch Deck

1.     Make sure you understand the issue and the solution.

What problem are you focusing on, why does it need to be addressed, and how is your business or product the solution? This is the most important question your pitch deck should answer. Think about the verifiable documents you’ll need to show to the individuals you’ll be presenting to as you write down the answers to those essential questions.

2.     Gather the information you’ll need.

Gather the relevant information and data for each slide based on the core slides you’ll be using. This will almost certainly include information about the market, your competitors, and potential clients. Create tasks and ideas for areas such as marketing and sales to show possible investors how you expect to sell products and services, create income, and expand your company.

3.     Construct a story.

Determine how you could make a fascinating story out of the information you’ve gathered. Consider the essential insights you want an entrepreneur to have at the end of the presentation, as well as the logical order in which they’ll need to learn things to get there.

4.     Make it look different From Others.

There are some basic fundamentals that must be mastered: Font styles and sizes should be consistent; the colour scheme you employ should be consistent and visually pleasing; and you should include photographs, charts, and graphics where applicable to make it as visual as possible.

5.      Practice, Practice, Practice

When your deck is finished, make sure you’re ready to present it.

Pitch Deck do’s

1.    Tell the story to create an emotional response from your audience.

Everyone, including investors, likes hearing stories. So, tell a compelling tale about your company.

 2.  Each slide should only express one idea.

You want to make sure that everyone in your audience is on the same page.

3. Make sure you’re ready to stand out from the crowd.

The importance of first impressions cannot be overstated. It’s true. The first two and a half minutes are crucial.

4. Demonstrate who is behind your concept.

Concentrate on a big, important accomplishment for each team member that distinguishes them as a winner.

5. Maintain a Consistent presenting style.

Across all slides in your investment pitch deck, use the same font, size, colour, and punctuation format.

6. You have a better understanding of your metrics than Anybody else.

When it comes to impact, actions speak louder than words.

Pitch Deck don’ts

1. Use a limited number of bullet points.

Bullets should be kept to a minimum. A presentation will be ruined if there are too many bullet points.

2. Make it as short as possible.

The average entrepreneur pitch consists of 38 slides. 10 slides are the maximum ability to focus. Make the calculations.

3. Don’t read your script word by word.

You’ll sound robotic and miss out on crucial eye contact with the audience.

Aim or importance of Pitch Deck

A pitch deck is designed to spark investors‘ interest and even enthusiasm in a firm, potentially leading to a second meeting and investment conversation. A pitch deck is an important tool for generating funds for a firm, but it’s simply the first step. The goal of the pitch deck is to inform a compelling story and generate interest in your company; you are not getting to cover every detail.