How To Prepare A CMA Report For  Bank Loan

project report FINAXIS

The CMA report is also known as the Credit Monitoring Arrangement report. It is a report that shows a company’s predicted and historical financial performance in order to receive a bank loan. A CMA report includes all of the necessary financial statistics and metrics for a bank loan. As a result, lenders can obtain information on a company’s financial health. Part of the essential documentation for businesses is the compilation of historical performance as well as future projections in a precise manner that allows invested stakeholders to rapidly assess the financial health of the venture.

Finaxis will assist you with the CMA report for bank  loan preparation very easy using our project reports. You don’t need any finance or accounting skills to prepare a CMA report for a bank loan using Finaxis. We will  execute the remaining complex computations with great precision  to assist you.

project report for Prepare A CMA Report


What statements appear in the CMA project report for bank loans?

  • Operating Statement

This is the borrower’s business plan, which includes current sales, profit before and after taxes, sales predictions, direct and indirect expenses, and profit position for the next three to five years.

  • Analysis of Balance Sheet

This statement includes an examination of the current and predicted fiscal years. It also contributes to a comprehensive review of the borrower’s current and non-current assets, current and non-current liabilities, and cash and bank position. This statement also provides the borrower’s net worth position for the next predicted years.

  • Comparative statement of current assets and liabilities

This analysis helps to determine the borrower’s ability to meet working capital obligations. It will also be useful in determining the actual working capital cycle for the planned period.

  • Calculate ABF/MPBF

This includes a computation to determine the Asset Based Finance and Maximum Permissible Bank Finance. It also reveals the borrower’s ability to borrow money.

  • Cashflow statement

The major goal of this statement is to capture the fund’s movement over the stated time period.

  • Ratios

This demonstrates the financial strength of the unit at various criteria.

If you require an expert to write the CMA project report for bank loans, our team can do so; just fill out the form so that our agent can contact you and speak more.